Did you know that Uber now offer a ride sharing option for military armoured fighting vehicles? However, as usual, be aware of surge rates at peak times. Also of note is the introduction of an aquatic service using landing craft (vehicle) for those who need a fast exit for their intercontinental travel. Uber has drawn criticism for charging customers for both carriage services at once.
A spokesperson for the organistion pointed out that customers were free to pursue their invasion plans as they saw fit, and if the service could not meet market expectations then that would be the time to examine other strategies
A member of the consumer watchdog group, Overlord is Overpriced, who refused to be identified is quoted as saying, " as a consumer, at these prices, I feel like we're the ones being invaded."
Hungarian Tanks and Crew
M40 Turan I Hungarian WWII tank.
It was 3D printed by Railroad Connections. I did not like their stuff
enough to buy more than a few of their vehicles. ...
10 hours ago